I help people stop watching porn

1-on-1 coaching sessions that lead to freedom, without breaking the bank

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Ready To Quit Porn Without Relying on Motivation and Will-Power?

Implement a proven process to help you quit porn and reclaim your mind so you can redeem your future!

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Learn The Secrets

Learn why you can't seem to quit this habit and what's really going on.


Quit For Good

It's possible to leave porn in the dust. And it's easier than you think!


Live Better

End the shame and guilt cycles for good and improve your emotional health!

Get Free Today!

Eliminate the guesswork.

You've tried to quit a thousand times but just can't seem to shake it. You don't have to guess when it comes to taking a break from porn. I will teach you what you need to know to leave that little monster in the past.

Imagine what life would be like without continually having to hide that secret of yours.

Make porn a thing of the past.

Be the man your wife can trust again.

Gain more inner strength and confidence.

Be able to focus like never before.

Never wrestle with urges again.

Get Started Today

I don't sugarcoat it.
Porn can be difficult to quit.

My name is Jordan Keefe and I wrestled with porn for 14 years until I almost lost it all. I went on a journey to overcome my addiction and now help guys just like you rise above it and quit for good.

I know it feels scary thinking about giving it up for good even though it's destroying your life. Here's the good news:

You can overcome it.

You won't be following a 12-step program. I'll teach you the secrets of why you're stuck in the cycle, get you thinking for yourself again, and take you to a place where you can stand on your own two feet, heal broken relationships, and live the rest of your life with confidence knowing your addiction is a thing of the past.

It's easier than you think.

Check out some podcasts I've been featured on

Episode 45: Pornography and how to break free with Jordan Keefe

43 mins

Episode 146. Quitting Porn Made Simple with Jordan Keefe

51 mins

Episode 4: Jordan Keefe | Overcoming Addiction

37 mins
Get Free Today!
You  can quit porn for good!

1. Choose Your Path

Make the choice to free yourself from pornography today by choosing the best path for you.


2. Learn The Secrets

Discover why it's been impossible to quit and how simple it will be moving forward without it.


3. Quit For Good

Forget white-knuckling and willpower, you'll be able to permanently and painlessly leave porn behind you.

Choose Your Path
Find the path that's best for you.

Take The Course

Finish at your own pace

The Quitting Porn Made Simple Course is a proven method to overcoming your struggle with pornography. If you prefer doing the journey alone, this is the best path to get yourself out of porn.

Start Today ($149)

Porn Rescue Call

Your last hope.

A private 90 minute call for the guy who is on the verge of losing everything due to porn and doesn’t know how to get out of it. We’ll dive deep quickly, resolve any potential snags, and set you on the path to freedom and clarity.

Get Free Now ($299)

Porn Elimination Program

Your Pathway To The Free You

For the guy who needs to make sure his porn addiction is permanently a thing of the past, this program is for you! In addition to receiving a copy of my book and getting access to the Quitting Porn Made Simple course, we’ll have four one-on-one calls where we get straight to the root of why you’ve been using porn and who you need to become to make it a thing of the past.

Get Yourself Free ($999)

Some common questions about what to expect:

I don't recommend my coaching to everyone because for some people porn just isn't a big enough problem in their lives to be worth spending a few hundred bucks to solve. I work with the people who have tried everything and just can't seem to quit for good but they have a lot at stake and need to get it figured out ASAP. If that's you, you need to work with someone who has not only figured out how to quit, but knows how to help other people stay clean. And when you're looking back on your life in five years, it'll have been worth every penny taking this step.

Ever hear the saying "Think you can, think you can't, either way you're right?" Porn follows this formula. Part of our work together is identifying and correcting your current beliefs around your ability to quit porn for good. It is possible and people do it all the time, but getting that to be true for you is a critical step in my process.

100% you will feel different. You'll notice more clarity in your mind and less stress from the shame and guilt you've been carrying around. You'll feel more energized to pursue the things that really matter to you and you'll be able to live a life where you actually want to smile throughout the day.

I have worked with missionaries, engineers, multi-million dollar business owners, teenagers, moms of teenagers, retirees, and pastors. I work with people from all walks of life and all over the world.

The principles I teach can apply to addictions of all kinds. Video games, alcohol, social media and drugs can all be worked through following my process.

If you buy the course, you'll get instant access. If you purchase a Porn Rescue Call or the Porn Elimination Program, I'll reach out to you ASAP (at most 24 hours) to schedule our call(s) and get you started on your path to freedom.
Get Free Today!

The choice is yours.

You've tried quitting in the past but can't seem to figure it out. In every other area of life, you're crushing it! But for some reason, porn outweighs all the other good things you do.

If you're tired of porn making you feel like a failure, let's talk.

Start Right Now!

Free content to help you


Why Porn Is Your Teenage Son’s Toughest Challenge

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The Real Cost of Porn

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Overcome porn in 5 minutes

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Download my guide, The Three Biggest Hurdles To Quitting Porn!

Reading time, 2 minutes. Information value, priceless.

This guide is what I wish I knew when I started this journey.

Copyright © 2024 Take A Break From Porn