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November 16, 2022

Overcome Porn in 5 Minutes

Battling with pornography is a tough challenge and can feel like a heavy weight most of the time.

If you're trying to stop using it, I'm going to teach you the steps to do it.

In order to stop using it, you have to understand why you started using it.

Why you started using porn

At some point in your life, you were exposed to pornography or perhaps you found it on your own.

And what your brain quickly realized was that it was really good at helping you feel better.

This is not a bad thing. In fact, this is exactly how your brain is supposed to function. It helps keep you alive.

As humans, we're designed to avoid pain and pursue pleasure.

The challenge with pornography is it is so powerful at helping us feel better that our brain begins to see it as one of the only ways to solve the problem of helping us feel better.

It's why we ALWAYS turn back to it, even when we think we don't want to.

Okay so how do I stop?

As humans, we have the ability to think.

But what separates us from all other species is that we have this hidden ability to be aware that we ARE thinking.

We all get urges. We will all experience urges. It's part of how we are wired.

But being able to overcome each urge is what leads you to freedom.

If you want to start overcoming urges, then do this simple exercise 2-3x per day:

For 5 minutes, sit in a chair in an upright and comfortable position. Do nothing but focus on your breath, inhaling and exhaling deeply As you inhale and exhale, just think to yourself "In I'm breathing in... Out I'm breathing out...". Your brain will naturally wander to other things on your mind. That is perfectly fine. Allow it to wander but gently bring your focus back to your breath. This may be challenging at first, but keep at it and do your best to go for 5 minutes.

As you start to become more aware of the thoughts you are having, especially when you are experiencing an urge, you're ability to ride out the urge will improve DRASTICALLY!

The more you do this, the more you'll begin to experience freedom over urges as your brain begins rewiring the pathways that used to drive you back to porn.

This is a muscle that gets developed over time.

Be patient with yourself and you'll begin to notice that you get stronger and stronger with each urge you overcome.

Believe it or not, our brains and our bodies don't like stuffing emotions. They NEED to get out!

And because they NEED to get out, we always find a way. For a lot of us, the only way we know how to release those emotions is through pornography.

Porn is a place where we can give (and be) all of ourselves without the risk of getting in trouble or doing something wrong.

Believe it or not, porn is actually a safe place for you to express your emotions which is why it's so hard to stop using it. It's literally your only pressure-relief valve for your emotional tank thats busting at the seams.

How do I know this?

Because four years ago, that's exactly where I was. I was terrible with emotions. I still am, but have improved enough to understand what I'm feeling and express those feelings instead of stuffing them down inside.

What's the result of choosing to express your emotions instead of stuffing them?

Fewer urges
Weaker urges
More mental clarity
More self-respect
More confidence
Less dependent on porn

You can overcome pornography, you just haven't learned how yet.

This is the first step.

Jordan Keefe
Hi, I'm Jordan!

I struggled with a pornography addiction for 14 years until it almost ended my marriage. After getting the help I needed, I've been porn-free for over five years and now help people out of their own addictions. If you're not sure where to start, get yourself a copy of my free guide, The Three Biggest Hurdles To Quitting Porn to know what you (or your son) are up against when trying to quit.

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